Just Hold On!
Have you ever felt like you just can’t get ahead? Like, as soon as you fix one problem you’re faced with another one. Trust me, I know this feeling very well. But I also know that if you just hold on a little longer it will get better.
As you all know, my life has been nothing short of an obstacle course. Seems like as soon as I make it over one hump, here comes another wall for me to climb, but I just try to remind myself to hold on, that it will get better one day. Obstacles are placed in our lives to make us stronger. They shape and prepare us for what God has in store for us. I think of them as stair steps. Every obstacle you overcome puts you one step closer to reaching your goals.
The struggle may not be easy, but stay in the fight. You may feel like quitting or like you just can’t go on. You must always remember, however, that God never gives us more than we can bear. Even when you feel you’re at your lowest there is no place to go from there but up.
To be honest, the last few years haven’t been easy for me. I have been hospitalized a few times and I’ve had several surgeries. There were many days I just wanted to give up. I sometimes even wondered what I did to deserve all of this, but I often remind myself that I was built to last and I know for a fact If God brought you to it, He will definitely bring you through it.