Never Alone!
Have you ever felt like no one truly understands you? Like, no matter what you go through in life, no one really understands and you’re all alone? Trust me, I know this feeling all too well. Despite having those feelings, I want you to know that you’re never alone. God is always waiting for us to call on Him to provide the comfort we so long for during those tough seasons. In life, we go through various, unavoidable phases. Sometimes we’re up, down, happy, sad… no matter what phase we’re in, God is always walking right beside us.
As women, we endure so much, and for the most part, keep it together long enough to ensure everyone around us is well taken care of. We take care of the children, hold down a full-time job, maintain our homes. On top of all that, some of us are even in school or dealing with health issues. Yet, we continue to push forward, even when all our responsibilities begin to weigh us down. You may lay awake at night, after you’ve done everything for everyone around you, wondering who you can go to just to vent, pondering where you can go to hand over YOUR worries and cares. Even if there is never a physical person for you to go to, remember that God is always there.
No matter what time of night you call, He is there to listen. You’ll never have to worry about Him judging you, nor will you have to worry about Him disclosing your business to others. He will never leave you, nor will he judge you. God gives the toughest battles to His strongest soldiers, but he’s surely not leaving it up to you to fight those battles alone. He designed you specifically for the highs and lows in your life. Others wouldn’t begin to know how to walk in your shoes; they aren’t even fit to fill them! I know walking in your own shoes may become difficult, but God is constantly there, providing you the support you need to carry on.
It may seem as though He is never listening, like He won’t show up when you want Him. But rest assured knowing that He’s given you all the tools you need to thrive and will always show up right on time.